Try This 4-Week Squat Challenge to Lose Weight and Be Bootylicious
The very best exercises for weight loss are those that not only burn calories and torch fat but build sexy muscle tone too. That’s where squats for weight loss come in.
Imagine an exercise that’s so versatile it allows you to target every single muscle in your legs and core, while at the same time ramping up your heart rate and incinerating belly fat.
That’s exactly what the good old squat has to offer.
Whether you’re a beginner on a mission to build a better body, or an advanced athlete looking to refine her figure, this bootylicious 4-Week Squat Challenge to Lose Weight leaves no stone unturned.
With our SMG ultra-cool exercise program, 30 days and a gritty motivational focus you’ll have a bangin’ booty and luscious legs in no time.
Let’s get this!
Why Squat, Girl?
It’s time to go ass to grass. Going low to come out on top is the name of the game here!
When it comes to bang-for-your-buck exercises, the squat comes out a clear winner every single time. It’s a key exercise and should form the cornerstone of any girl’s program where killer legs and a big, round a** is the goal.
The squat is functional and provides the basis for all lower body movements. Bodybuilders, figure athletes and sportswomen all have squat variations in their programs… and for good reason too.
Don’t let yourself down… you need squats in your life, girl.
Here’s why you should be dropping it like it’s hot…
The benefits of squats for weight loss are wide and varied. You can pump out this fat-burning movement with barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells or any other heavy item laying around.
Body weight squats build eye-watering lactic acid and if you dare to try out single leg variations, you’ll feel muscles you didn’t even know existed.
Girl, as you can tell… SMG are all about that #squatlife.
Here are the main benefits of our 4-week squat challenge for weight loss:
Build strength in your legs, inner thighs and booty
The squat targets pretty much all the lower body muscles, but really emphasizes your quadriceps, inner thighs and glutes.
When it comes building a sassy boss woman figure, it’s number one on the list.
Develop shape and tone exactly where you want it the most
By altering your stance, changing the equipment you use or varying the depth of your squat technique you can spot-enhance specific muscles.
Wanna hit your booty? Go low.
Working on the inner thighs? Let’s see a wide stance
Want strength? Let’s hit some heavy weight, girl.
A powerful calorie burner that’ll ramp up energy expenditure and torch fat
In caliometry testing, squats have been found to have superiority as a fat burner.
Compared to upper body exercises such as the bench press, leg day is the best day for burning up those fat cells.
Enhance sports performance
If you’re an athlete looking to create that all-important edge, squats are the way forward. they’re closely linked to better performance in the gym and on the field.
Both jump and sprint ability are linked to squat strength.
Build balance, coordination and core strength
basic squats have a bigger ‘carry over’ effect to core strength, agility, balance and other important motor skills.
But modifying your position, working single leg or using an unstable variation of an exercise really ramps up the neural benefits of squatting.
Increase muscle building hormones
Testosterone is important for women. Not only does it help you create a toned and sexy figure, it’s also a key regulator of menstruation, libido and mood.
Studies have found that going ass to grass with a bar on your back is a killer way of getting some of those beautiful hormones flooding around your body.
Key Point: Squats should form part of every woman’s strength circuit workout. The benefits range from intense fat burning to chiselled muscle tone, better confidence and a peachy butt.
4-Week Squat Challenge to Lose Weight
In general, 30-day challenges work well. They keep things tight, concise and along with your high levels of motivation, get great results.
Setting yourself a medium-term goal over 30 days gives you something to work for. When you’re feeling sore or tired you know you’ve got a deadline to work towards.
It’s pretty motivating!
And research shows that goal setting works well when organizing your fitness and body targets.
What makes our squat challenge different?
The problem with many 4-week squat challenges is they presume that progress is linear – that a girl like you will be able to progress day after day, with no fatigue or need to recover.
Unfortunately, your body doesn’t work like that. If you perform the same movement day after day without variety or modification, you’ll just end up burned out or overtraining.
Luckily, our team of top-notch diva sport scientists have clubbed together their collective, extensive knowledge to bring you an evidence-based squat program for weight loss – one that boosts your booty and crushes your goals… guaranteed!
Ready to smash your goals and develop a goddess physique?
Let’s go girl…
Exercise 1: Chair Squat
- Stand close to a chair with your feet at around shoulder-width apart and your arms out in front of your body
- Stick your butt back and bend from your knees as you sit back onto the chair under control
- Aim to keep your knees and line with your big toe and avoid letting them rotate inward
- Sit on the chair upright
- Bend forwards slightly and push through your heels, maintaining good knee alignment, until you are stood up tall
- The upward phase will naturally be faster than the sitting phase
Exercise 2: Prisoner Squat
- Start with your hands clasped behind your head and your shoulder blades pulled together
- Stand with your feet at around shoulder-width apart and your chest up tall
- Bend at your hips and knees and squat as low as feels comfortable, aiming to keep your chest tall throughout. Sit your weight back on your heels
- Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement before returning to the start position
Exercise 3: Lateral Squat
- Start with your hands on your waist and your shoulder blades pulled together
- Stand with your feet at around shoulder-width apart and your chest up tall
- Bend your left knee, and as you do so, move your body weight to your left side as far as feels comfortable. Keep your right knee straight throughout
- Move slowly to the start position and then transition to the opposite side
- Complete the reps from one side to the other with no break
Exercise 4: Jump Squat
- Stand with your feet at around shoulder-width apart and your arms by your sides
- Stick your butt back and bend from your knees as you sit back into an air squat position with your arms out in front of your body
- At the bottom of the movement, push through your heels and swing your arms towards your body
- As you reach full extension, jump in the air. Your arms will naturally swing behind you
- As you land, bend your knees to move the stress from your knees and onto your muscles
Prisoner Squat with Kickback
- Follow the technique for standard prisoner squats
- At the top of the squat movement though, lift one leg, move it behind your body and clench your butt cheek
- Avoid hyper-extending your lower back. All the movement during the kickback should come from your hip
- Alternate your kickbacks with each squat
Split Squat
- Otherwise known as a ‘static lunge’, place your feet at shoulder-width apart in a staggered stance (roughly 3/4 of your maximum stride length)
- Your front foot should be flat and with your rear foot you should only have the ball of your foot on the ground
- Keeping your hands on your hips and your chest tall, bend your knees and lower your rear knee to the ground, stopping an inch or so from making contact
- Pause briefly and return to the start, making sure your upper body only travels upward and not leaning forward
- Once you’ve completed all reps, change lead legs and repeat
Bulgarian Split Squat
- Place your rear foot on bench below knee height
- Place your front foot at shoulder-width and flat on the ground
- Bend both knees and descend until your back knee is just above the ground. Keep your chest tall throughout
- If the knee of your front leg goes in front of your toes you need to stride out a little further
- Push through the heel of your front foot and return to the start position
- Once you’ve completed all reps, change lead legs and repeat
The Program
This program can be followed as a body weight or externally-weighted workout. If you’re new to leg training, we’d advise using just your own weight for resistance – you can always add dumbbells later down the line.
If you’re more advanced and looking for a brutal, fat-incinerating schedule, use bands, bells or bars to light up your legs and booty.
Day | Exercises | Reps and Sets |
1 | Chair squats | 4 x 15 |
2 | Chair squats | 5 x 20 |
3 | Rest | |
4 | Prisoner squat | 4 x 15 |
5 | Prisoner squat | 5 x 20 |
6 | Rest | |
7 | Prisoner squat Lateral squat | 4 x 15 of each exercise |
8 | Prisoner squat Lateral squat | 5 x 20 of each exercise |
9 | Rest | |
10 | Prisoner squat Lateral squat | 5 x 20 of each exercise |
11 | Prisoner squat Lateral squat | 4 x 30 of each exercise |
12 | Rest | |
13 | Rest | |
14 | Prisoner squat with kickback Lateral squat Split squat | 4 x 15 of each exercise |
15 | Prisoner squat with kickback Lateral squat Split squat | 5 x 20 of each exercise |
16 | Prisoner squat with kickback Lateral squat Split squat | 4 x 30 of each exercise |
17 | Rest | |
18 | Bulgarian split squat Squat jumps | 4 x 15 each side |
19 | Bulgarian split squat Squat jumps | 4 x 20 each side |
20 | Rest | |
21 | Rest | |
22 | Bulgarian split squat Squat jumps Lateral squat | 4 x 15 each side |
23 | Bulgarian split squat Squat jumps Lateral squat | 4 x 20 each side |
24 | Bulgarian split squat Squat jumps Lateral squat | 4 x 30 each side |
25 | Rest | |
26 | Bulgarian split squat Squat jumps Lateral squat Prisoner squat with kickback | 4 x 15 each side |
27 | Bulgarian split squat Squat jumps Lateral squat Prisoner squat with kickback | 4 x 20 each side |
28 | Bulgarian split squat Squat jumps Lateral squat Prisoner squat with kickback | 4 x 30 each side |
Final Word
This 4-week squat challenge to lose weight is your best opportunity yet to carve out sexy, toned legs and glutes that’ll showcase your curves and athleticism.
It’ll be tough in places. But work for it girl and you’ll deliver some awesome results!