Normal Testosterone Levels in Women
Testosterone is an important, naturally-produced hormone Not only do normal testosterone levels in women boost athleticism, muscle tone and sex drive, it also demolishes fat and boosts metabolic health.
For women, testosterone is the key to a happy healthy life…. and a hell of a figure.
Think of the word testosterone and you might immediately picture some kind of brawny, masculine dude that’s muscular, assertive and dominant.
Sounds pretty sexy huh?
That’s because in men testosterone promotes masculinity.
But this natural hormone doesn’t just help hunky dudes develop a great physique and strong personality; it’s also just as important in women.
Testosterone won’t turn you into an aggressive She-Hulk or give you muscles so large that everyone will start calling you ‘sir’.
But what it will do is to optimize the way you look, the way you train, and more importantly, your confidence.
But what exactly is a normal testosterone level in women?
And how do you raise yours if its low without drugs or harsh hormone therapies?
In this article, we show you how to avoid the side effects of low hormones and how to keep yours topped up…
Testosterone and Women
Testosterone is important for any health and performance-conscious women. It enhances the way you look, and the way you feel. If you want to build a bangin’ body, this is what you need to optimize naturally.
But with 90% of women having low testosterone levels by the time they hit 45, and with age 20 being the time this valuable hormone starts to decrease, chances are that yours are idling along rather than steaming ahead at full speed.
When guys have optimal testosterone levels they are at their masculine peak. They are strong, athletic, manly and dominating.
Exactly the kind of things we want from our man.
Testosterone is an androgenic hormone. In men, it promotes secondary sex characteristics and masculinity – facial hair growth, assertiveness, a deep and booming voice… that kind of thing.
But in women, testosterone plays a different role…
[infobox]Many women experience a fall in testosterone levels from the age of 20.
[/infobox]Women’s bodies produce testosterone naturally… and that’s a good thing
A hormone is a chemical that’s secreted from a gland in your body and then travels through your blood to an organ or muscle where it has an effect. In simple terms, hormones are like carrier pigeons or those medieval riders or pilgrims whose job it was to transport important written messages.
There are hundreds of hormones running around your body right now.
The most important ones for females are:
- Estrogen
- Progesterone
- Testosterone
Together, these three hormones control everything from your menstrual cycle, to your health and physical performance.
What exactly is a normal testosterone level in women?
Produced in your ovaries and adrenal glands, testosterone is a completely natural hormone in the female body.
Although specific amounts of these hormones fluctuate throughout the day, there are still what would be classed as normal testosterone levels in women.
Normal testosterone levels in women are:
- Women: 15-70 ng.dL
Normal testosterone levels in men are:
- Men: 300-1,000 ng.dL
Normal testosterone levels in women are only small compared to men. Average testosterone levels in females more often than not almost 15 times lower than in guys.
Normal testosterone levels in women don’t promote masculinity
We need to make one thing clear from the very beginning. Up until very recently, testosterone was considered a male hormone. After all, it does promote masculinity.
But normal testosterone levels in women play a number of important functions. These include:
- Decreased risk of cognitive, metabolic and vascular diseases
- Lower risk of obesity and excess body fat
- It’s easier to tone muscles (not bulking)
- Optimal endurance, stamina and fitness
- Better sex life – more intense orgasms, higher libido and sex drive
- More energy, vitality and zest for life
Not only do you only have 10-15 times lower testosterone levels compared to guys, you also have much higher levels of the primary female hormone estrogen too.
[infobox]The hormonal double whammy of estrogen and testosterone gives you the best of both worlds – the feminizing effects of estrogen with the lean and mean benefits of testosterone.
[/infobox]It’s all about balance.
Unless you’re taking ‘special supplements’ such as anabolic steroids, you’ll completely avoid the side effects that lead to Virilization and masculinization.
Instead, you’ll enjoy the luxury of sweet gains…
What happens if your testosterone levels get too high?
Unless you’re using anabolic steroids or suffer from a testosterone-raising medical issue, you won’t suffer from high testosterone. Your body has an inbuilt ‘thermostat’ called the hypothalamus that stops this from happening.
There are some medical conditions where your resting T levels are above the normal testosterone levels for women though.
These include polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a disorder characterized by insulin resistance, high cholesterol levels and obesity.
Women that have high testosterone levels tend to show the following symptoms:
- Infertility or loss of menstrual cycle
- Hair loss
- Acne
- Increased muscle mass
- Enlarged clitoris
- Voice deepening
- Facial hair growth
Again, this only occurs with steroid use or specific medical conditions and does not occur in healthy women.
[infobox]Unless you take steroids or have a medical condition, your hypothalamus regulates testosterone levels and stops them creeping up above normal levels.
[/infobox]Low Testosterone In Women – When Normal Testosterone Levels for Women Decreases
There’s no need to worry about elevated or higher than normal testosterone levels in women. But what you do need to consider is low testosterone.
Even though you’ve only got 15-70 ng.dL of testosterone flowing through your veins, letting it drop lower than this can be a huge problem for your health and performance.
Between the ages of 20 and 40, most women experience a natural decline in testosterone.
By the time a woman reaches 45 years of age, she has a 90% chance that her androgen levels will fall below that minimum 15 ng.dL value.
The problem with low testosterone and female health
The chances are that your testosterone levels aren’t where they should be. And even if they are, it’s probably a matter of time before they slide below that healthy minimum amount.
Check out these common low testosterone side effects in women. If any of these sound like you right now, maybe your hormones are low too?
- Unexpected weight gain, especially around your middle – what’s known as ‘central adiposity’
- A loss of muscle mass and strength in the gym, even if you’re training hard
- Poor general tolerance for exercise and a lack of energy, stamina
- Constant tiredness and fatigue
- Low mood, potential signs of anxiety and depression
- Your and sex drive will decrease, and so will your ability to orgasm
- Dry skin, thinning hair, hair loss
There’s a link between oral contraception and low testosterone
According to research, 60% of women are on the pill at any one time.
As you know, the purpose of oral contraception is to stop your menstrual cycle by dysregulating sex hormone production such as estrogen or progesterone (or both).
But the pill also reduces testosterone production too. It increases levels of a protein called SHBG that scours your blood looking for testosterone to bind to, making it unusable.
SHBG acts like a Hollywood security guard, wrestling your testosterone to the ground and refusing it entry to the party of the year.
Low thyroid hormone levels can cause low testosterone
Your thyroid gland controls how your body breaks down and uses stored energy.
The symptoms of hypothyroidism (low thyroid) are very similar to low testosterone. Both cause unwanted weight gain, low mood, loss of energy and hair loss.
And this makes it difficult to properly diagnose without a proper blood test.
Studies show that low thyroid hormone levels actually effect the amount of luteinizing hormone that your brain releases.
This in turn has a direct effect on testosterone levels because there aren’t enough signals to your ovaries and adrenal glands to make sufficient amounts of the androgen hormone.
[infobox]As an integrated unit, low testosterone can be caused by other hormonal issues.
[/infobox]How To Fix Your Low Testosterone
Chances are that in terms of normal testosterone levels in women, your hormones are lower than optimal.
And if you do in fact suffer from some of the symptoms we’ve talked about above, it’s time to step up to the plate and make some changes.
Here are the most effective and safe ways to supercharge your hormones…
Try a testosterone booster
Premium testosterone booster supplements for women are a relatively new and scientifically cutting-edge product.
We love them at SpotMeGirl and notice a real difference to our endurance, muscle tone and energy levels when we add them to our diet.
Using completely natural ingredients such as vitamin D, zinc and magnesium, test boosters aren’t as aggressive as hormone therapy from your doctor would be.
And they’re nowhere near a steroid or anything similar.
Rather than jamming your body with synthetic hormones that could lead to side effects, they gently and safely trigger natural testosterone production once again.
It’s simply refueling your body with high-quality energy, vitamins, and minerals.
Check out our 3 best female natural testosterone boosters review to find the very best hormone support supplement for normal testosterone levels in women.
Lifting weights in the gym
Gone are the days when we’d perform hours and hours of cardio in the gym to craft the body we were after.
Now it’s all about getting strong to get lean.
Research shows that strength training just 3 times per week boosts testosterone production and protein synthesis by over 50%.
- Use multi-joint, compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, presses, and pulls
- Try to lift as heavy as you can for 10-20 reps once your technique is good
- Only do 3 sets per exercise to avoid burning out at the beginning
- Rest as long as you like between sets
If you’re not sure how to implement strength training into your workout routine, check out this article on home strength building strategies for beginner women.
Sleep better and more often
It can be easier said than done to just ‘sleep more’.
But as a huge anabolic stimulus, a good night’s rest is a surefire way of achieving normal testosterone levels in women.
Sleep predicts morning testosterone levels and sexual function in women.
Clinical trials where women have been sleep deprived (for as little as one night) show that while 8 hours is great for boosting hormone levels, less than 4 hours is a silent testosterone killer.
Summary – Normal Testosterone Levels in Women Dictate Health
Normal testosterone levels in women are between 15-70 ng.dL. That’s relatively low compared to the 300-1,000 ng.dL that men have.
Many women suffer from low T levels, and it’s important you do all you can to optimize hormone levels to maintain health, longevity and physical performance.
Supplementing your diet with a testosterone booster, exercising using weights and ensuring a good night’s sleep are great ways to boost health and develop a sexy, lean and strong figure.
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