Get Shredded At Home With No Equipment With Bodyweight Exercises

There is nothing wrong with going to the gym. Quite the opposite, it’s great when people go to the gym. The problem is, people tend to go to the gym for reasons that barely have anything to do with lifting or getting in shape.

Along with that, there are other gym members that hog equipment you want to use, people who sit on their phones all day, and Crossfitters… do I need to say more? It seems you have to come in at 5 am or simply pray that “that guy” isn’t training right now.

So, why not just skip the gym altogether and workout at home? You can listen to the music you like at full blast and more importantly, no annoying people. For that occasion, we’ve constructed a “no gym, no problem” bodyweight only workout routine.

First, let’s do a quick rundown of what exercises you will be doing for this workout.

Great Bodyweight Exercises

1. Squats

Since this is a whole body bodyweight routine, squats will be necessary. It’s an essential lower body exercise with a lot of variations that you can play around with once you get bored with a standard squat. It will build your quads and your butt while also giving you a good sweat.

2. Burpees

Burpees work your entire body and get your heart rate up quickly while turning your body into a fat burning furnace. If your overall fitness level is next to zero, start with a regular squat into a leg kick back variation.

As your stamina improves, incorporate the jump squat and the push up into your burpee variation.

3. Planks

This is going to be a standard front plank which you perform on your elbows. Don’t worry though; you won’t have to hold the plank for an absurd amount of time. Crunched in between some other exercises, doing it even for 20 seconds is going to be tough.

4. Toe Touches

Toe touches are here to give you a short “break” when working out. It isn’t all that difficult to perform so you get to “relax” while working out. When and if you start feeling extra hardcore, lower your legs after each rep and raise them again as you do the next rep, essentially doing a toe touch crunch.

5. Wall Sits

Time for some quad strength and eternal pain. Sit against a wall in a chair position and hold that position for as long as possible. This exercise is rough, but your quads will be made of steel afterward.

6. Jumping Knee Tucks

Jumping knee tucks are great for amping up your conditioning and your metabolism. This is a high-intensity exercise so this is great for losing body fat. You can combine this with a burpee if you really want to get a good sweat out.

7. Push Ups

Push ups do for the upper body what squats are for the lower body. They are an essential strength building exercise. You will be doing the standard version of the push up. If you can’t do a regular push up, do them from your knees and build your way up.

8. Mountain Climbers

Last, but not the least, we got the mountain climbers. Mountain climbers are great for building a healthy heart and they are a great calorie burning finisher exercise.

Now that we’ve covered what exercises you will be doing, here’s how to complete the workout. This routine is meant to be run 3 days per week, for eight weeks. Each day you will do five exercises one after the other with no rest between, for five rounds.

Basically, It’s designed to kick your ass. Twice a week you will incorporate running on days you don’t have a workout. Record your time and try beating when you work out again.

Weekends are rest days, so relax and recover. If you see you can do more reps than the recommended number, go ahead and go crazy. Remember that the rep range is low for a reason, you have to go five rounds on each workout.

Same goes for those with a lower fitness level. If you cannot complete the rep ranges, do what you can and get through the workout. You can study your progress while working your way up to the prescribed reps. Now let’s start building some muscles!

8 Week Home Workout Plan With No Equipment


  • 10 push ups
  • 15 squats
  • 20-second plank hold
  • 10 burpees
  • 30-second wall sits


  • 60-minute run


  • 20-second plank
  • 10 squats
  • 20 push up
  • 30 toe touches
  • 30-second mountain climbers


  • 60-minute run


  • 20-second jumping knee tucks
  • 30 toe touches
  • 10 burpees
  • 15 squats
  • 20-second mountain climbers

This post was last modified on Jul 15, 2019 10:37 am

Published by
Spot Me Girl Team

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