Should I Train Deadlifts on Back Day or Leg Day?
Like bench press and barbell curls, deadlifts are commonly performed at the gym and is considered one of the best mass builders. While we aren’t here to tell you exactly how to deadlift, we will let you know if you should train deadlifts with your back or legs workout.
There’s a big confusion whether one should be doing deadlifts with their back or legs workout. It’s pretty simple and entirely depends on your sequence and the way you execute it.
Check out the full workout plan below for you to do deadlifts both on a leg day and a back day.
Deadlift on Back Day or Leg Day?
Deadlifts in a Back Day Workout
Because you’ve already undergone training your back with some tough workouts, doing deadlift on back day will surely be challenging for you. We’ll be targeting a lower rep range here.
1. Barbell Deadlift
To bring yourself in a perfect starting position, approach the bar so that it is centered over your feet. Keep your feet opened at hips width.
Now, bend your body at the hips and grip the bar with your hands at shoulder-width apart. You can use alternating grip if you want. Now, inhale, look forward, keep the chest high, back arched and finally drive up smoothly.
Aim for four sets of 5, 3, 2 and 5 reps with 30 seconds of rest in between each set.
2. T-Bar Row
To do a T-Bar row, take a bar and position it in a landmine and load it with your desired weight on one end. Take a double D row handle and position it around the bar.
Stand over the bar and grab the D row handle from each side. This will be your starting position. Your hips and legs will be slightly bent during the entire rep range.
Now, pull the weight towards your abdomen. When it reaches to your abdomen, squeeze the shoulder blades and try not to jerk the weight. Finally, return to your starting position.
Aim for three sets of 8 reps with a 30-60 second rest between sets.
3. Neutral Grip Pull Ups
We’ll be doing the neutral grip pull ups either on a pull up machine or on a pull up bar.
Simply grab the pull up bar using a neutral grip with your arms extended. This will be your starting position.
Now flex the elbows and extend your glenohumeral joint to pull yourself up. Your entire pull up has to be smooth and free from swings. Try to get the chin above your hands, or as high as possible. Hold the position for a second and then lower yourself.
Strive for three sets of 8-10 reps.
4. Kneeling High Pulley Row
Very much similar to the normal pulley row but you’ll be on your knees this time.
Hook in the pulley with your desired weight. It should be above your head as you’ll be kneeling down. Take a rope and attach it to the cable and then kneel 2-3 feet away from the pulley. Extend your arms in front of you. This will be the starting position.
Now flex the elbows and fully retract the shoulders. Pull the rope towards the upper chest and keep the elbows out while doing this. Hold the position for a second and finally return to your starting position.
Do this for three sets of 15 reps each.
Deadlifts in a Leg Day Workout
Always remember to start your leg day by warming up on a foam roller. It helps to release the tight points in your muscles and prepares them for the workout. We’ll keep the order in three simple exercises, which is essential as well and prevents the risk of an injury.
1. Leg Press
Sit on a leg press machine and place your legs on its raised base in front of you. Keep your feet at about hips-width apart. Slap on a reasonable weight. This will be your starting position.
Now remove the safety bars and press the platform till the legs are fully extended. Prevent locking your knees to avoid injuries. Lower the platform as you inhale till your legs make a 90-degree angle and finally push back again.
Go for three sets of 8-10 reps with one-minute break in between.
2. Lying Leg Curls
Adjust the leg curl machine to your height and lie face down on it. Make sure to keep the torso flat on its bench and legs stretched. For support, grab the handles on the side of the machine.
Now curl your legs as far as possible and make sure to keep your thighs on the pad. Reduce weight if you feel yourself doing this. Once the curl is complete, hold the position for a second and gradually lower your legs to your starting position.
Do three sets of 6-8 reps with different weights.
3. Barbell Deadlift
We are finally ready for the barbell deadlift. You’ll be doing the deadlift same as described above. The rep range can be low as there will be extra stretch on your legs which are already screaming for rest. Make sure you have the back belt wrapped for support.
Strive for three sets of 8-10 reps and rest 60 to 90 seconds between sets.
Wrapping It Up
Whichever day you decide to train deadlifts, understand that training is all about energy maintenance. Doing deadlifts after you’ve already fatigued your body will certainly get you an injury.
Stay fresh and practice great form with your deadlifts. This is going to ensure training for years to come.